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St. Peters Cross.jpeg
Turn to the living God, Turn to your neighbors, Turn to love

Sundays 10 am in person/online

We are experimenting with ways to be in person and online.

We are using Mevo cameras to connect you to what is happening, and you may participate via Zoom

Or by phone:

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)


Meeting ID: 896 9676 3023


We have a tech verger who will host these Zoom sessions. We will also livestream to our Facebook page. We are the process of working to upgrade our sound system, and then install cameras to enhance our hybrid services. Until that work is completed sometime later this summer or fall, you can help us by joining us and letting us know what works and what does not. 


For the time being, we share only the bread during communion. In the Epsicopal church, we believe that to receive one element of the bread and wine is sufficient for full reception of the body and blood of Christ.


Bulletin, September 15th​​
Readings, September 15th

Hymns, September 15th
































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