St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Redwood City

Do you feel called to serve at St. Peter's?
St. Peter's Coffee Hour Ministry welcomes all who feel called to share gifts of gathering people around coffee and mid-morning fare! Coffee hour service is joyful, and could involve welcoming and bringing food, setting up prior to the service for coffee and shared food, and putting away items afterward. Whether you feel called to serve once, periodically, or every Sunday you are welcome! Please reach out to Jim Redman or Nancy Oliver if you wish to be part of this ministry:, or
Bringing food for coffee hour occasionally: Perhaps you feel called to bring food occasionally on a week-by-week basis! Here's the link: Sign Up Sheets and Registration Forms Online - Deborah Runyeon - TimeToSignUp
Flower & Candle Devotions: this ministry of providing flowers and candles for our worship services relies on donations made in memory of loved ones, to honor thanksgiving, and to honor specific events in the lives of congregants and those in our community. To make a devotion, either complete the form at the back of the church or contact the church via email,
Reading the Scriptures Aloud During our Worship Services: this ministry welcomes all who feel called to be part of worship services as a reader or "lector." If you are interested, use the link to sign up:
Altar Guild: if you would like to assist with preparing the altar and sacraments for Sunday services, contact Teri Chin at Altar Guild members work in pairs, and typically serve once or twice per month. No experience is necessary, training will be provided to take part in this unique experience of fellowship.
Church Workdays or other Handy Help: if you have facilities repair skills and would like to help serve on a congregational workday, contact Paul Berning. Congregational workday events are organized several times over the year to involve our community in the physical upkeep of our church buildings. They involve projects like landscaping, cleaning, painting, organizing, and minor carpentry. All gifts and skill levels are welcome!
New Ideas: Do you feel called to serve at St. Peter's in other ways? Tell us about them!